Friday 15 March 2013

Reputation management

                                                                                                       Posted by Harsimranjit Singh



Reputation Management:

Reputation Management is all about making a positive impression on future customers or developing a positive relationship with current customers.It helps building a better image of the business or corporation as well as makes your business recognizable online. Good reputation means better response from the users, more views on the internet too. Proper reputation management also boosts the consumers retention rate.

Reputation Marketing :

Reputation Marketing is used to keep in touch with consumers online by getting users feedback, answering to their complaints, keeping a track on good and bad reviews.Blogging is also a very common tool used by many organizations to either define a product or a service or just build company's reputation.

Brand Management:

Rather than focusing on company's overall reputation, brand management empathizes on brand equity. Brand management generates noticeable brand awareness among online audiences. Brand logo or slogan, brand description and attributes, brand reputation, other brands online competition, also brand loyalty all are handled by brand management.     

Personal Reputation Management:

Personal Reputation Management focuses on designated persons and present them as a brand. Process includes participating in blog entries, social media, local media, videos, magazine articles and public speeches. Managing personal reputation online or offline is very important for corporations these days.



Business Reputation Management:

Business Reputation Management is considered one of the most vital tool for staying in business and  to also become known online. You must realize as a business owner that "Google is God", people will go online and search your business, your history, services or products you offer, they will definitely read others reviews to make purchasing decision. Every year more and more businesses are increasing their presence online to take advantage of online market.

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