Friday 15 March 2013

5 Digital Marketing Trends You Don't Want To Miss

Post by Paul Sidhu

Marketers don’t know exactly what the future may bring however, they are always creating new headlines promising the next revolutionary device/apps/social networks. However in an ever so changing industry, marketers need to reach consumers through mobile, and be more engaging than ever.  Here are 5 interesting Digital Marketing trends you don’t want to miss.

 Location Services

Although there are many privacy issues that still need to be resolved with the use of location services, there are consumers that do want you to find them. Social apps such as Foursquare,, and Path are goldmines of consumer data.

New Ad Formats

New online video and mobile platforms do attract some consumer attention, marketers over spend on these tactics compared to the amount of time consumers actually spend. Instead of wasting money and forcing consumers to view their ads, marketers should respect the viewer’s time and interests and look for new ad formats such as in-image ads, which incorporates the brands message within relevant content.

User-Generated Curation

User-generated Curation (UGC) powered by content discovery apps such as Pulse, Flipboard, Fancy, and Foodspotting, allow consumers to tweak and choose their interests. By filtering unwanted data and curating personalized information provided by content producers and merchants, personal curation can provide another great opportunity for marketers to capitalize on.

Advertise by Format

Mobile technology has immense potential to engage with the consumer. For those who advertise on mobile apps, how will you get your consumer to engage the boring old display strategy? KenDoctor “Media Guru” claims that taking advantage of the unique format and tablet capabilities will help marketers be more creative and innovative with their advertisements.

Integrated Marketing

Research shows that 7% of consumers want to be engaged with an integrated marketing approach, however, only 39% are receiving that. Marketers should focus more on the customer. Using QR codes and bridging apps like Viggle can help marketers a multiplatform integrated relevance.

In today’s world, advanced technology and media is changing how we interact with our consumers. A smart marketer will succeed if they focus on the consumer of today. 

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