Friday 15 March 2013

Digital Marketing and Big Data?

Digital Marketing will dominate with Big Data

Post by Paul Sidhu

Big Data has gone mainstream, from supercomputing to IT applications which is especially beneficial for digital marketers and advertiser. Now that they have access to a goldmine of consumer information which was
once unusable, due to our systems not being able to organize and understand it. With new technology becoming more and more advanced by the day, this data on consumer preferences and behaviours can now be translated into tangible analytics that will guide how and to whom brands advertise online.  By 2020 IDC estimates that the total amount of electronically stored data will reach 35 trillion gigabytes. Digital marketers and advertisers will finally be able to leverage this information and gain a deeper understanding of their customers so they can develop a more targeted and successful marketing and advertising efforts.

Before the Big Data revolution, online marketing campaigns was measured in click-through rates, bounce rates and page views, with campaign performance recorded in Excel. This information was helpful but could not provide insight marketers needed to boost performance and earn substantial returns. Big Data revealed insight about success and failures of online marketing efforts and advertising campaigns. It now included search rankings, conversions, site visits, open-click through rates, buying and research behaviours, surfing histories etc. 

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